NEWS 2011

Fri  23rd December 2011
Xmas 2011
Just a quick message to thank everyone for the fantastic support I have had this past year. Hope you have a brilliant Xmas and all the best for 2012:-)

Thurs  16th June 2011
Guest of the Illegal Eagles
Phil will be playing a special guest spot with the Illegal Eagles at their Cliffs Pavilion, Southend show on Sunday the 26th June at 8pm - It has been a long time since Phil last played so close to home..... - hope to see you there! ps He will be playing a Gary Moore/Thin Lizzy tribute with the band.......No Eagles songs.....

Mon  10th January 2011
NAMM 2011
Just a quick message to let everyone know that I will be in Anaheim, California for the January NAMM show... I will be playing on the Hayden/Ashdown stand - Hall C # 4478 - if you are there please come over and say hi!..... All the best for 2011 - let's hope it's a good one:-))