NEWS 2013

Fri  7th June 2013
'Solo' Book - Now Available Spiral bound..
Just a quickie to let you know that the current crop of "Solo' books are all spiral bound - perfect for laying flat on music stands! The price hasn't changed either :-) Order them while they last - from the on-line store of the site.

Tues  9th April 2013
Shop Payment System
We are very happy to report that the website shop is now back working and accepting payments properly again. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. It was apparently all caused by an admin mistake at Worldpay and was therefore totally out of our control.

Thurs  15th March 2013
Clive Burr RIP
It is with great sadness that we have recently heard the news of Clive Burr's passing. He was a great drummer and a lovely guy. Phil has played at 'Clive Aid' benefits in the past and has always been a strong supporter of that particular charity. We very much hope that research into the terrible illness that is MS will continue on in Clive's name in the future.

Tues  12th February 2013
Edinburgh Guitar & Music Festival
The dates and times for my 3 seminars at the Edinburgh Guitar & Music Festival in May have now been posted in the gigs section. I will be there along with some good friends and great players such as Shaun Baxter, Hugh Burns and Andy James.....Should be lots of fun:-)